REM This is an example batch file that can be used to start a server running and contains the following elements: REM "java -Xms64m -Xmx512m -jar" the java command to start the main class in a jar file running, with the specified memory allocation. REM ".\licas.jar" the name of the jar file to invoke. This is the default licas package but you can replace this with your own package. REM "8888" the port to start the server running on. REM "no" for http protocol only, if "yes" then https protocol. REM "password" "adminKey" specific server password and service admin key values. If missing these default to "anon". REM A contact address for the server administrator - email or something. REM This is the default contract type for the server only - 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes' then the server will always return its password, if 'no' then the client must always know what the password is. This value will default to yes and assign a yes contract if it is missing. REM "org.licas.server.ESB" is a class that represents the enterprise service bus. This defaults to org.licas.server.ESB, or you can replace this with your own class. If this is missing the default class is used. java -Xms64m -Xmx512m -jar ".\licas.jar" "8888" "no" "password" "adminKey" "" "yes" "org.licas.server.ESB"